Occasional Thoughts II

There is no shortage of words that my hand has penned, nor coded, nor typed. Looking over my book shelf of scribbled pages, I cant help but think how necessary it is for me to speak. In the middle of people busied with their surroundings and among the highest peaks of my hometown mountains, I find time and purpose in announcing my thoughts to no one. Why is this so?

It is an odd thing to me how secretive I am. It begs the question...how much goes on in the universes walking around me. These people that pass me by, what do they do in secret? There is only so much in the spectrum of humanity. The things we know unite us are both beautiful and very ugly. My secret is vulnerability and sensitivity. Are they the same? Due to the nature of closely held secrets...there really is no way to know but somehow...I don't think we are the same.

The interesting thing in unknowable truths is that in the moment you stand at the diverging roads on what you will choose to believe, it becomes less about the road under your feet and more about which path you will let yourself go down. The scope of some questions is so far beyond us that there is no way to ever reach the end. There is no satisfaction in destination. There is only the journey. There may be no god, and yet he may be. There may be no ultimate hope in the world...or it may be simply waiting to find us. The time it will take to find out what the course of humanity was and is and will be is beyond any one life time. Therefore, in a strange way...it is irrelevant. Will you walk hopefully or without hope. For you are not burdened with the responsibility of outcome.

It is a common understanding to look back at childhood and think happiness was lost somewhere along the way. I truly believe this is completely tied up in hope. Children have no notion of hopelessness. The ones that do have suffered trauma and the effect of it can be seen throughout their lives. Is it the trauma or the hopelessness?

Responsibility is always so important to me. I will not believe in anything simply for the sake of feeling better. However, the tricky nature of unknowable truths is to allow humility to remove responsibility from mortal shoulders. The duty....they knighthood is in determining if it can be known. However, while we walk on the road of discovery...what kind of people will we be. Shall we trudge towards a destination never believing anything wonderful can be waiting for us or will we stride on with light hearts...maybe to our doom? It reminds me of falling. We are, all of us, falling. The most time will be spent in this downward endeavor. The destination once achieved is an infinitely small moment. Will you scream and cry all the way down or will you smile and feel the air against your face? The physics we can see makes the outcome very clear. But maybe there will be more, just maybe. And wouldn't that be something special.


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