unwanted reminders

a far stranger fate eased onto the color red,
diminished into vernal varieties of disuse.
veins pumping privilege craving mere bread,
forgot the virtues they still had to lose.

but not by bread alone do creatures create,
channeling the hues of a long forgotten soul.
math magic and scientific safety cant satiate,
hunger games made desperate to fill the hole.

branded by beauty and love we remember,
unable to fully forget the warmth of heaven.
shivering here in a self imposed december,
gamblers warm the nights with hotter leaven.

subtle reminders part and parcel to breathing,
cast off the shadows of  many midnight chores.
no longer hidden by naivete or double meaning,
truth often finds its morning knocking on doors.


  1. Wow I love this piece you have written! very evocative on many levels, thanks!

  2. hi..love the rhythm you have got going with this piece..brilliant!!

  3. Wow!
    And just loved morning finding itself knocking on doors

  4. I wonder what truth did all night long...


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