
The rise and fall of your heartbeat,
like the passing of many days,
means more to me than I can say.

Crescendo and symphony repeat,
with the rising of every breath,
steeling your love away from death.

For it was never a question of why,
but rather an ageless enemy
stalking the boundaries within me.

With cost, consequence, truth and lie,
we dare the depths of what might,
gambling the stars to catch their light.

Hand me down wisdom folds us in,
with arms too old to understand;
passion too strong to ever command.

So we fight what we cannot win,
handing to God every care
save only to pull in our duties air.


  1. The more I learn about good writing and all that goes into it, the more I am in awe of people like you. What a talent. What a gift.

  2. wow. now thats a compliment. thank you very much

  3. You flatter me so much! I just now saw your comment if you can believe it. You're quite talented yourself, sir. =)


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