two roads diverged...

I wish I could begin this bit of rambling with a reference to A Tale of Two Cities but no inspiration has prompted me to do so. I have quite frankly another life changing decision to make. I suppose the contrast from my calm childhood to tempestuous young adult life could explain why i feel the need to think it over with blogger. Never did i have the sheer ability to see this life. The future was simply an obscure destination that would eventually find its way to the present. Now i live here. (points to the present. yea here.) There are so many paths to take and to experience and to discover. I have been made alive with possibility.

And arent possibilities charming? That's purely rhetorical, the answer is yes. I only asked it that way for dramatic effect and transitional flow. Possibility in its fundamental form is freedom. Freedom. To be free from things bourne of tumultuous confusion. Wichita was exactly what i needed when i needed it but now the mountains have a hold over me that seems hard to shake. Finally i may have a chance to give into my longing for adventure and success. Always trying to do the best possible thing and consider every angle leaves one exhausted in mind and soul. Though i am never going to be the type of person that throws caution to the wind(ELLIPSIS) NEVER (ELLIPSIS) I may need to make a few radical decisions to move forward in my life. All the myriad considerations that have to be made for every divergent path have brought to nothing but a weary indecision. Its unmanly and cowardly to be afraid of taking decisive action when such is necessary. Although, as i said, discretion is the greater part of valor.

My mind is now bent over its duties. I have to choose between Wichita or Tucson.


  1. I have faith in you.

    I know maybe that doesn't mean much and probably isn't what you want to hear but I think that no one hears it or says it enough. Not when it matters. I don't know any of the details of your life now (not that I did much before) but I know, deep in that subconscious place called instinct, that you will be just fine, whatever you do. You are far too meta-cognizant to ever make an unwise decision. Embrace that freedom.

  2. although i wish for wisdom beyond my years, sadly, i fall short of expectation. it is rare and wonderful however to have someone say they still have faith in me. your a good friend and im more satisfied all the time that we still talk via this blog. thx for listening and stay classy.


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