my love

 It was then I knew.

There is a sadness in me,

Only a profound love can heal.

There is a sense of loss,

that has hollowed my heart away.

I cant give more than I have.

I cant be more than I am.

Forever I have yearned for the embrace

of a noble, quiet soul.

For a smoky alcoholic finish,

brandished with age; 

flint, tinder, and coal.

I have yearned for the wizened touch,

of someone who knows where the empty,

manacled roads go.

I have yearned to find the heart,

that has been scorched by deception,

but never held any within.

I have walked this road with so little love.

faced down thousands of merciless nights.

I have craved your body

like a prisoners desire for escape;

like a match's desire to burn.

Your absence held me captive darling.

It emptied me out and stole every victory,

every triumph, every rite.

I have learned beyond doubt,

that all of it is meaningless,

without you.

If you give me your heart, and your love,

I will never let you go.


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