
In grazing passed something yielded in me,
and I turned...
for gifted empathy by the sun's luminous way,
I glimpsed desire, doubt; boredom, novelty,
and it held me there, just there, passed the ray.

I looked at you...mind opened... eyes hungry,
soul suddenly starved of your touch, of your scent,
of the carefully perceived habits, unique, tawdry,
and at once understood what your love meant.

This love...this fateful connection's crimson gold,
color's your wanderer's world for all..forever.
But my luminary's lot leaves my fingers so cold...
I've known nothing by timeless fair feather.

With admiration for the beauty of your kind,
I reached out and united my world with yours.
I explored your complexity, your delicate mind,
and finally understood the nobility of your course.

with the refinement of accepted pride, I went,
knowing it the course of wisdom to leave.
My principles were righteous, purity unspent,
but...parting from you made it hard to breathe.


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