coming of age

Daughters remain for just a little while,
Valkyries heedless to the lust of man.
Delicately beautiful, so sweetly they smile,
seeing the world the way only they can.

It was there, in the interim of love and lust,
That I raised a girl of quality and truth.
She blossomed from childhood's fertile dust,
her mind opened to questions needing proof.

She was so beautiful, so curious, so new.
Time thus far had only added to her soul.
I celebrated how her eyes held nothing untrue,
and how keeping that was her only goal.

But daughters remain for just a little while,
mortals themselves caught up in red.
She aged into this world, mile after mile...
a woman now, the daughter long dead.


  1. Beautiful...a daughter always a daughter...

  2. This is so beautiful; as a mother of a daughter and a grandmother of four girls I can identify with it very much.

  3. Oh, my! I was getting rather emotional reading this. I wish my daughter wasn't 500 miles away. Really liked this, Michael.

  4. What's that saying...a son is a son 'til he finds a wife, but a daughter is a daughter all of her life...

    "the daughter long dead" really made me gulp...the distance, the letting hard.


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