one more kiss

Perhaps it was a mortal's care,
to smell of salt before coming home.
For with trembling hand, daughter fair,
I could've wiped sea green foam
from your ocean drenched hair.

You are...fascinating to behold,
your body caught between land, sea.
And aged by things that make you old,
You have become a maiden of rare beauty;
an angel of red hot heart and watery cold.

At once, I am in desperate need of you,
for you know the weight of wearing red.
You know of losing wings, of falling through,
of leaving places no mortal may tread
and finding peace in this world of blue.

I cannot join you beyond the surface,
not for the aching of our mirrored pain.
But while your lips yet remain, know this,
I do love you, more than the eternity Ill reign...
so linger here for just one more kiss.

*If fallen angels did exist, would there be angels who wept for their now mortal loves? What if leaving heaven was like falling out of an ocean into the clear blue sky? What if they shared one last kiss as they parted ways?


  1. Exquisite and profound

  2. Such depth. I kinda like the thought that there are fallen angels - kisses included.

  3. You have an intriguing style .. I enjoyed this.

  4. Interesting write..which leaves questions unanswered. Are there fallen angels or angels that have fallen?

  5. "An angel of red hot heart and watery cold."

    Oh my, methinks I may have met her before!

  6. enjoyed very much...thanks for sharing your words

  7. Reminds me of the movie "City of Angels"....great movie....but your words are beautiful and stirring. :-)


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