
Tender eyes, we wasted the rose in your cheek;
the dandelion delicacy of your dreamt dreams.
Somewhere in our fallacy of fictions we speak
not of stronger loves but man's wisdom weak
and our comforts tear heartstrings at the seams.

Stern soldiers wounded from battles long passed,
living broken and bruised lives of little faith.
We are the waiting; the victims of words idly cast;
the lonely souls with hearts that beat too fast;
the downcast eyes you couldn't keep safe.

Tragedy-tested like the rites of spring undone,
we're the branded  spirits of children misused.
Only in managed misery can we father a son
because "born into this" sorrow, we are one,
commiserating the pains that left us confused.

In this confusion of cloudy eyes you came,
softly alighting on the edges of hope's kiss.
Beautiful in form with a soul as an open flame,
you took my hand to heart and it beat the same,
sacrificing your perfection to regain love's bliss.

So, im not entirely sure how this relates to the prompt at all but I let my hand flow freely anyway. I am currently stuck on a robert frost poem and this is my attempt at his form. The wordiness detracted from a clean and clear message but whatever. Im learning.


  1. I'm not sure how it relates to the image either, but it's quite good nevertheless. You might want to link this without the image to an open link on some other sites. Kudos.

  2. I also enjoyed this (tiny question - did you mean heartstrings in the first stanza?)

  3. So very lovely. We are the waiting, and always searching for that perfect love- perfect write!

  4. very much enjoyed the illiteration - good writing

  5. or is that alliteration?

    Using the same letter for 2-3 words in a row - that thing :)


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