stormy clouds have come,
easing their way into mind
body, spirit, soul.
Like diamond and coal,
silver light cant be defined,
not by the lonesome.

rain whipped watchers still...
there is some pleasure in doubt
filled moments at play.
guarded hearts may sway,
nursing hope till the seeds sprout;
flowers to fulfill.

listen to the rain;
the thousand notes to god's song;
the promises of faith.
each drop keeps me safe
from silence that holds too long
shadows in my brain.

when the heart forgets,
when sunshine isn't enough,
heaven weeps for us.
when we need to trust,
and yellow ways fail to love,
thunder... keeps secrets.


  1. Read your comment on the Mag - so came here first!

    Maybe doesn't rhyme Micheal but good write - especially like the last stanza.

    Anna :o]

  2. Like Michael himself wrote it, very Solar , i feel. It radiates.

  3. The third and fourth stanzas are gorgeous the truth in these lines!!


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