
the symmetry of an unfolding flare of petals,
contrasting brilliant blue in empty space.
souls shine cobalt when the dust settles,
reflecting rain water in some hidden place.

battles of sky and blood are too familiar,
their defeats have held back my escape.
ironic scars kindred to a poet warrior,
have constructed my walls of red tape

But you,
you have known intently my quiet way,
learning the secrets to all my defenses.
fingers palm the music to what I dont say,
and lose their self in fire's consequences.

fear is confounded by your knowing smile,
seeing through the weights I hide behind.
traversing the jewels beneath the guile,
searching out that which only you can find.


  1. Enjoyed this... especially: fingers palm the music to what I dont say.

  2. Yes, nicely rhymed. Thanks for posting.

  3. souls shine cobalt when the dust settles

    Now you can see why I turned the picture blue for my Mag?! LOL

  4. Yes ... beautiful. Fascinating how each stanza stands on its own.

  5. I love every line here Michael, but the 3rd stanza is amazing!!

  6. Simply, gorgeously poetic......*sigh*

  7. A number of fine phrases here-- the jewels beneath your guile-- wonderful! xxj

  8. ..really really nice read... and a very contemplative one to note with... smiles...


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