Raptured Ascent

in between breaths and heart beat counts,
I watched the sky fall with her tender touch.
For as much as mortality holds fixed amounts,
her divinity was timeless and hurt too much.

it was like caressing a dreams infinite end,
caught by the beauty of what cannot last.
struck in fact by the power of a violent wind,
I would have been thrown had she not held fast.

And how we moved in that ephemeral space,
where angels and men beg God to let us forget.
for when the moment ends with its smell, taste,
we are stained by the waltz of dawn and sunset.

children of the earth fade as sunsets and dust,
courting the eternal heavens for mere hours.
But even so, when the dead shed their rust,
perfected memory craves for more mortal powers.


  1. Excellent! Carefully rhymed poetry so rare these days.

  2. Very creative - and rather moving...

  3. Good to find a Mag where rhyming sounds play their part. :)


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