Prose Poetry

How the Sun Hit the Water

Dawn approaches with noble elegance,
There is a warmth in its glow,
Empowering and infusing,
Sunlight feeds the soul.

Where has my empty gone?
Memory seems to stop short of it,
Leaving the mind to embrace fullness,
All that could be is foreshadowed,
By that golden jewel in the sky.

Growing bolder every minute,
Intensifying with brilliance,
The stars seem to lose there resolve,
Dimmer they are out performed,
And outlasted they release their hold on the dawn.

The morning has began to set,
The dew has begun to rise.
Lifting from the earth in mystical purpose,
My spirit longs to join its soaring freedom.

I envy the dew,
Settling but never settled,
Everyday it begins to fly.

The sun grants the dew its wings,
Then slowly, ever so slowly,
It makes a deliberate flight.

Whimsical at first,
Then faster and faster,
Till it makes love to the sky,

How i long for that infinite embrace,
To hold lady sky in my hands,
And compliment her glistening heights.

But it wont be long till i too,
Go my way with the sky,
With every graceful glimmer,
The sun shines out a dream,
I will rise with the dew,
And my heart will feel anew.

I will bathe in glorious delight,
Then the ground will hold the sky,
With the same tenderness i feel.
The soil will yield purest produce.

Imagine the taste of a perfect fruit,
Never tasted since the antiquity of Eden.
Though the day is beginning,
I am full of hope.
A hope that lifts me like my mist;
Faith that grants me the same wings,
The wings that let me soar.

Day is upon me,
And my sleepy contemplation must end,
For now.


  1. I love this. It is chillingly beautiful.

    "The stars seem to lose there resolve,
    Dimmer they are out performed,
    And outlasted they release their hold on the dawn."
    "How i long for that infinite embrace,
    To hold lady sky in my hands,
    And compliment her glistening heights."
    "I am full of hope.
    A hope that lifts me like my mist;
    Faith that grants me the same wings,
    The wings that let me soar."

    Those were my favorite lines.


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