Day Eight: worth

Lessons of the Unattractive

Im writing about someone unattractive,
Please be quiet this isnt interactive.
Im writing about you and me,
Im writing about beauty.

Tell me please, how to see a mans character,
Outline please, what becomes the common factor.
How can you see a pure heart behind a body?
Would you have the answer if i was a hottie?
Why are my looks more important than my actions?
Is all that matters your physical attraction?

The fact is that it has always been this way.
We're blind as we judge, but thats popular to say.
Why has it become so easy to hate?
To be a little bad, skip school and stay up late.
Why is this arrogance so very funny?
Would you have the answer if i had money?

Im asking these questions because i want to know,
Is there anyone out there that can reverse the flow?
From watching the body and never the soul,
Please anybody, i want to believe,
Im not wishing for something no one will ever achieve.

Is there anyone out there with enough beauty to see,
The beautiful person beyond this body?
Because beauty sees beauty, like love finds love,
They 're both divine and come from above.

Im before you to present a test only an unattractive can give.
Can you look at me with respect and learn how to live?
My heart is still open awaiting a world's abuse,
Here's an opportunity I hope you dont lose.

Faith in your beauty is what im trying to keep.
Pass the test and like tea, let the lesson steep.


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